French Fries Magazine — FF

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“Lost and Found”, an exhibition at the Arcipèlago, Udine

Fotografia anonima, 1960 ca. Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan

For its third exhibition, the creative exhibition space Arcipèlago presents a careful selection of anonymous photographs taken between the 40s and 60s. These totally unpublished images are part of Cristian Malisan's personal collection, who's been finding photographic material at markets for years: thousands of negatives, rolls, slides and as many stolen moments that no one remembers anymore and which, on the occasion of this exhibition, will be rediscovered.

On view until January 22nd 2022 at Arcipèlago,
via Gaeta 88 (UD)

Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan

Fotografia anonima, 1960 ca. Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan

Lost and Found, fotografia anonima, 1940 ca. Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan

Fotografia anonima, 1940 ca.
Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan

Fotografia anonima, 1950 ca. Courtesy Collezione Cristian Malisan