Forgive Me Father
Divinity of self fuses with this French Fries editorial. Models Carlo Gino, Omolola Onasanya, Marina Garavagno, Erika Janavi, and Harley Lough worship the hampering that sketches an eyeful. Creative director Katie Madin blesses the production with a splash of eccentricity that aggravates the touch-ups of hair Ellie Bond, makeup Wilma Stigson, hair assistant Lee Patrick Devlin, fashion assistant Iona Dutton, and retoucher Harry Cooke. Film director Loona Kasemets, photographer Andy Hoang, photography assistant Inès Hachou, and props Amelia Tavenner craft a fashion cult and shoot the intertwining ceremonies of fashion names Acne and Volcom, T/SEHNE, Make, Our Legacy, Niamh Kerins, Fiorucci, and Sophie Hird to elaborate the community’s theology. Forgive me Father for disruption sets a new norm.
Photography: Andy Hoang / andyhoangphoto
Creative Direction & Styling: Katie Madin / madindesign
Film Direction/Camera OP/Edit: Loona Kasemets / loonariia
Hair: Ellie Bond / elliebondhair
Make-Up: Wilma Stigson / wilmastigson
Models: Carlo Gino / carlo.gino @ First Model Management
Omolola Onasanya / omogirl_ @ First Model Management
Marina Garavagno / marina_garavagno
Erika Janavi / erikajanavi
Harley Lough / harleylough @ First Model Management
Photography Assistant: Inès Hachou / ines_hachou
Fashion Assistant: Iona Dutton / ionadutton
Hair Assistant: Lee Patrick Devlin / leepatrickdevlin
Props: Amelia Tavenner / ameliatavenner
Retoucher: Harry Cooke / iamharrycooke
Words: Matthew Burgos / itsmatthewburgos
Layout: Beatrice Panero / pane.nero