I don't hear, I don't hear anything
The world is upside down:
We are locked up in our houses, hiding from an invisible enemy. We hug devices instead of real bodies.
We discriminate our brothers just for their colour skin.
We destroy our planet to fulfil fictitious needs crafted by society.
All this becomes art under the artistic direction of Runze Yu. A real masterpiece of photography widely enhanced by the magnificent work of a great team: stylist Mel Devi Morales, makeup artist Miki Ishikura and hairstylist Yu Nakata. A thin thread intertwines models Sulayka and Dayton in every shoot never connecting them on a deeper human level. Here is explained the greater evil of our time: to lay side by side without really being together.
Photography: Runze Yu / grappppeace
Styling: Mel Devi Morales / young_Iamy
Makeup: Miki Ishikura / miki_ishikura
Hair: Yu Nakata / yunkt
Models: Sulayka / _sulayka @ fordmodels
Dayton / daytonpangborn @ red_models
Layout: Beatrice Panero / pane.nero
Words: Giorgia Ribaldone / giorgiariba