As it is
The charm in strangeness lies in this French Fries editorial. Metal telephone wires circling, unblossomed flowers hanging, crystal earrings spiraling, white petals designing, and fashion and beauty oxidizing. Model Kim Boyeong gifts high-fashion vibrancy, guiding every viewer on a path towards her own wonderland. Stylist Woo Lee, hair and makeup Lee Ji Hee, and set stylist Park Jin Hee color the production with their prowess in visual aesthetic and set design. The lust, the life, the luxury. The fusion that dangles over eccentricity. No defined definition. No certain culmination. Photographer Kim Sunwoo shoots as the model traverses the dystopia in the ordinary. Nothing seems as it is.
Photography: Kim Sunwoo / kimsunwoo___
Styling: woo____lee
Hair & Makeup: _lheee_
Model: Kim Boyeong / k_bbooo
Florist & Set-stylist: parkjiinhee
Layout: Beatrice Panero / pane.nero
Words: Matthew Burgos / itsmatthewburgos