I am milk
What do you dream about when the darkness of the night falls? Sleep is a journey into the oneiric world, and dreams are messages from the unconscious. Giving voice to our most hidden desires is a liberating act that must be the fruit of a call for change. For this French Fries editorial, photographer Natalia Skotnicka along with stylist Anna Dobrzańska and hair & make-up artist Sonia Kieryluk, have crafted a dream about freedom of expression. Despite the edges, model Maresh Miciul is a pure soul playing with black leather, skimpy lace and velvet gloves. She dances and explores her sensuality under a net that only apparently makes a chain. She is restoring like a cup of warm milk just before going to sleep.
Photography: Natalia Skotnicka / skotnickan
Styling: Anna Dobrzańska / ankadobrzanska
Hair & Makeup: Sonia Kieryluk / soniakieryluk
Model: Maresh Miciula / maresz.miciula
Layout: Beatrice Panero / pane.nero
Words: Giorgia Ribaldone / giorgiariba