French Fries Magazine — FF

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Where are you heading?

The new editorial by FF is all about yourself. Director Daniel Lathwesen and Co-director Bastian Kempf focused on what we call “reflections”. Reflections of what, exactly? Thanks to the unique twin models Azza & Azama Bashir we can experience a whole journey about finding the way to your own truth: from reflection to love, from love to happiness, from happiness to faith, from faith to purpose, from purpose to light, from light to truth: the same truth that will lead you to freedom. Isn’t what we’re all seeking?The beautiful voice of Enya Elstner is in perfect harmony with the movements of the models: we talk about fluid and balanced movements which allow the two of them to eventually meet and recognize each other as a wholesome. The make up by Palmira Ruben is simple and strong at the same time, as to prioritize the so-called inner self and to find beauty in it. The soundmix & recording by Kraatz Studios gives power to the concept and rhythm to the words and moves, along with the GRFX by Richard Tintelnot (credit also for title design) that catches every right moment. If you want to seek for your truth, this new editorial is giving you the chance through a reflection of who you are. But before watching, ask yourself a fundamental question: where are you heading?

Direction & Concept: Daniel Lathwesen / daniel_lathwesen

DOP & Co-Direction: Bastian Kempf / bastian_kempf

Production: Offenblende - Agency for Film & Photo / offenblende_agency

Models: Azza & Azama Bashir

Soundmix & Recording: Kraatz Studios / kraatzstudios

Voice: Enya Elstner / enya_elstner

Titeldesign & GRFX: Richard Tintelnot

Make Up: Palmira Ruben / beautypalmira

Hair: Lisa Marie Spiller / lisamariearts_

Team Assistant: Elisabeth Oeljeklaus / elisabethoeljeklaus

Words: Gioia Giovani / gioiagiovani

Clothes by American Vintage, Vertere Berlin, ersterutsche Jewellery, Vans