Riders on the storm

Riders of the storm introduction.

A blizzard of emotion and a striking somber wardrobe captivates in this French Fries Magazine editorial.

A story captured by photographer Piotr Włochyń with Model Alisha Vele Dabane unfolds a contrasting and chic series of images with dark undertones of leather that it will take you on a journey.

Alisha Dabane, practices a minimalist style and plays with bold colours well, featuring yellow plaid in this shoot. It’s edgy, simple yet stylish. It’s what should inspire, to ride through this storm which is life.

Photography: Piotr Włochyń / piotrwlochyn

Model: Alisha Vele Dabane / fucclisha styled by himself

Layout: Beatrice Panero / pane.nero

Words: Flynn West / yoflynn

riders on the storm french fries magazine fashion editorial
FF Magazine