Off Stage
The bud and lush of masculinity in full bloom. This French Fries editorial portrays model Lee Jay Hoy as the maverick and carefree soul everyone strives to be. A resonance of one’s deep inkling, unabashed to be shown off. Stylist Elodie Purcell, make-up Rebecca Hampson and hair Sandra Hahnel free up the restrained free-spirited persona of Hoy, who voices his jubilation through fashion houses KING & TUCKFIELD, KA WA KEY, LUGE, LEUDER, DEANHENRIE and PETJA ZOREC to name a few. Photographer Ed Aked witnesses the metamorphosis from the lens. The riot has begun.
Photography: Ed Aked / edaked
Styling: Elodie Purcell / elodiegabrielle
Makeup: Rebecca Hampson / rebeccahampsonmakeup
Hair: Sandra Hahnel / sandrahahnel
Model: Lee Jay Hoy / leejayhoy
Words: Matthew Burgos / itsmatthewburgos