Where it began, was it spring?

“WHERE IT BEGAN, WAS IT SPRING?”, The new fashion editorial by FF, produced by Offenblende - agency for film and photo and directed by Daniel Lathwesen, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The power of the images - DOP & Co-Direction: Bastian Kempf - is the heart of the concept: the soft light used, the overlapping of photographic details together with the use of blur, contribute to the almost transcendental rendering of the film.

Thanks to the use of VFX by Martin Krupinski, an imaginary environment is recreated that is not so diffrent from reality, made up of analogies and contradictions.

The models Stine & Charlotte thus become the protagonists of a short film with an almost sci-fi feel. We pass from the general to the particular: through a zoom, the two subjects are no longer details, but become active participants in the world in which they find themselves.

The translucent light of the images, is reinforced by the elegance of the couture of Flora Miranada and the make-up of Laure Tinette. The bright white and silver light that shines on their faces and outfits make the two subjects almost inanimate creatures, allowing the viewer's eye to identify with that union. A union of two bodies that remain attached to the earth and nature despite the arrival of unknown and disturbing elements.

The two faces recognize each other to merge into a single light. Light that characterizes the arrival of spring, and in this case, the arrival of something else, which has united all of us human beings: "where it began, was it spring?"


“WHERE IT BEGAN, WAS IT SPRING?”, il nuovo fashion editorial by FF, prodotto da Offenblende - agency for film and photo e diretto da Daniel Lathwesen, non lascerà nessuno indifferente.

La potenza delle immagini - DOP & Co-Direction: Bastian Kempf - è il cuore del concept: la luce morbida utilizzata, la sovrapposizione di dettagli fotografici insieme all’utilizzo dello sfocato, contribuiscono alla resa quasi trascendentale del film.

Grazie l’utilizzo del VFX by Martin Krupinski, si ricrea un ambiente immaginario poi non così dissimile dalla realtà, fatto di analogie e contraddizioni.

Le modelle Stine & Charlotte diventano quindi protagoniste di uno short film dall’aria quasi fantascientifica. Si passa dal generale al particolare: attraverso uno zoom, i due soggetti non sono più dettagli, ma divengono partecipanti attivi del mondo in cui si ritrovano.

La leggerezza delle immagini, dai toni chiari, è rafforzata dall’eleganza delle couture di Flora Miranada e dal make up di Laure Tinette. La brillantezza del bianco e dell’argento che spiccano dai loro volti e dai loro outfits, rende i due soggetti quasi creature inanimate, permettendo all’occhio dello spettatore di immedesimarsi in quell’unione. Un’unione di due corpi che rimangono attaccati alla terra e alla natura nonostante l’arrivo di elementi sconosciuti e disturbanti.

I due volti si riconoscono per fondersi in un’unica luce. Luce che caratterizza l’arrivo della primavera, e in questo caso, l’arrivo di qualcos’altro, che ha accomunato tutti noi esseri umani: “where it began, was it spring?”

Direction & Concept: Daniel Lathwesen / daniel_lathwesen

DOP & Co-Direction: Bastian Kempf / bastian_kempf

Postproduction & VFX: Martin Krupinski /pennywise.post.produktion

Production: Offenblende - Agency for Film & Photo / offenblende_agency

Couture: Flora Miranada / floramirandaofficial

Makeup: Laure Tinette / laure_tinette

Models: Stine & Charlotte
@ Mega Model Agency

Words: Gioia Giovani / gioiagiovani

where it began, was it spring?
where it began, was it spring?
where it began, was it spring?
where it began, was it spring?
FF Magazine