Temporal Code

‘’Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.’’, an old saying still so contemporary and relevant. Lights and shadows marry in this French Fires editorial by Pamela De La Cerda, both photographer and creative director. The superb team, composed by makeup artist Paula Leiva and stylist Diego Diaz (who chos e accessories by Diego Rupayan and fashion by Juan Ormeño, Taco Negro and Juan Failer), managed to recreate a utopian world. A reality made of smartphone zombies who live inside their screens and miss the beauty of now. Just like model Jorge Chacón, who seems to have stepped out of a Black Mirror episode.

Photography & Creative Direction: Pamela De La Cerda / pameladelacerda.foto

Styling: Diego Diaz / diegodiazp1

Make Up: Paula Leiva / pau_mua5

 Model: Jorge Chacón / jorgechaconh

Designs by: Juan Ormeño / juormeno ; Taco Negro / taconegro ; Juan Failer / juanfailer

Accessories by: Diego Rupayan / diego.rupayan3d

Layout: Francesca Rongioletti / andsofrancine

Words: Giorgia Ribaldone / giorgiariba

Copia de DSC_3322-1 2.jpg
FF Magazine