French Fries Magazine — FF

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The lamb ran away with the crown

The lamb is the Christian archetype that alludes to the innocence and purity typical of a child. This French Fries editorial, shot by photographer Melanie Santos, is an ode to the pureness of freedom: gentle as a spring breeze and, at the same time, stormy as a whirlwind. In this idyllic atmosphere, models adrig.costa and art.azucena can dance freely in Srtapeel lingerie animated by a soft and sweet sensuality, never too sexy. The bright and warm lights - created by Vito - reproduce a welcoming environment where we all wish we could let our thoughts drown.

Photography: Melanie Santos / aran.danos

Clothes: @srtapeel

Lighting: Vito / vitochp_


Adriane / adrig.costa


Words: Giorgia Ribaldone / giorgiariba