French Fries Magazine — FF

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Introducing Helmut Lang’s Slogan Capsule, a collection of hoodies, t-shirts and accessories featuring HL slogans and graphics.

The slogan Impress Your Parents first appeared in an advertisement for “Helmut Lang Industries (the only company that cares for you)” in Visionaire 14 Hype!, a send-up of media and tabloid culture. New Helmut Lang slogans in this Spring 2021 capsule refer to popular 80s public service announcements. The brand was founded in 1986.


We do not promise that wearing them will impress your parents, your friends, your co-workers, your many followers on Instagram, though these are all known side effects. The way we see it, these clothes can suggest possibility. What you do with that possibility is your choice.

The campaign seen here was shot in Hackney and Dalston in London during the lockdown.  It see's a group of young creatives and friends pull together ideas to discuss how they have evolved to cope through the pandemic and even how they try to 'impress their parents'.  Their occupations and hobbies range from their studies, art and drawing to  dancing and acting to activism and volunteering.

Some of their quotes included below - interviews or further discussion available on request.

HL: “How do you impress your parents?”

ANGEL: “I try to always be the most genuine version of myself to show them how the world is becoming a better place for everyone to exist.”

: “What was the silver lining of your last year?”

THEO: “Getting to know myself, outside of any pressures and expectations within friendship groups, education and just wider judgements, has been really nice. I think I’ve gained a more solid understanding of who I am and what I stand for.”

HL: “How do you impress your parents?”

THEO: “After asking my mum and nan, they told me that my ability to overcome adversity impresses them.”

: “What was the silver lining of your last year?”

THEO: “Getting to know myself, outside of any pressures and expectations within friendship groups, education and just wider judgements, has been really nice. I think I’ve gained a more solid understanding of who I am and what I stand for.”

HL: “How do you impress your parents?”

THEO: “After asking my mum and nan, they told me that my ability to overcome adversity impresses them.”