Interview | Delacey

Words: Gaby Smith / _gabriellesmith /

Intro: Stephanie Rutcofsky

Photographer: Aysia Marotta / aysiamarotta /

French Fries magazine
French Fries magazine

Delacey is a singer-songwriter with a seductive voice and a penchant for vulnerable lyrics. The California native’s debut LP “Black Coffee” puts her on the map as an artist, after writing multi-platinum hits for artists such as Halsey, Demi Lovato, Zara Larsson, The Chainsmokers, Anne-Marie, and more. Her debut showcases her self-aware and sharply poetic lyrics as she tells her own narrative. Her latest visual for the album’s track “Damn” is out today.


  •  You mentioned growing up you idolized both Stevie Nicks and Billie Holiday, what in particular did you love about these two musicians?

Their authenticity first and foremost. You hear Steve Nicks or Billie Holiday through your speakers and instantly know who they are. That’s always something that sticks with me when it comes to music. If the artist is original not only in the tone of their voice but through their emotion and portrayal behind the voice which makes it uniquely their own.

  • You also reference a beloved vinyl collection inherited from your Father. Do you have a favorite record, if so which one and why?

I think I probably listened to Elton John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" album on vinyl more than I’d like to admit. It’s always been one of my favorite vinyl’s I’ve inherited from my father. The inside of the gatefold has all the lyrics and beautiful illustrations. I’d stare at them forever listening on repeat. 

  •  You have an exceptionally soulful and seductive voice. It’s clear that your love of vinyls and music legends have had an impact on your tone and style. What other major factors have been an influence on you?

Hardships in life have had the most influence on me as a writer and artist. We write what we know and feel and I’ve always channeled my pain through my music as far back as I can remember. 

  • Your music is often described as exuding love, sex fear and strength. Is it important for you to write strong ballads emphasizing female empowerment?

Of course! Women are the fucking best. I was raised to believe I can be whoever I want to be. I think being strong and bold sometimes means just being honest and owning who you are and how you feel. No matter who you are.

  • You have recently released your debut LP, Black Coffee. Do you have a favorite track and if so why?

It’s so hard to choose! But if I had to, I would probably choose my album title-track “Black Coffee" I think it sums me up more than anything and it’s a super emotional record from me. 

  • You also released a fiery new film directed by Chandler Lass. With the striking retro visuals creating an Old Hollywood Western, what inspired the concept for the ‘Chapel’ music video?

Well of course the whole concept of marriage had to be a part of the story because that’s what the song is about but there is an element of my psycho girl tendencies throughout the song and we had to make sure that came across as well. 

French Fries magazine
  •  You are often seen dolled up for glamorous music videos and performances. How would you describe your style?

My style is a flirty 90’s vibe. I almost always wear exclusively vintage clothing. I can be super extra and I want to be the center of attention in the room but I also keep it casual. I’ve always been very into fashion so I’m always experimenting. 


  • As a multi platinum songwriter, you have a strong resumé working with many credible artists such as Halsey, Demi Lovato, Chain Smokers and Zara Larson. Who was your favorite artist to work with and why?

Every artist is different and I’ve been so blessed to work with every single artist I’ve ever worked with. I will say I especially love writing with Anne-Marie because we have amazing writing chemistry and just get each other. She’s also become one of my favorite humans and close friends. 


  •  How did you get into songwriting and who was the first artist you worked with?

Alex and Drew from The Chainsmokers were actually my very first pop writing session! I wrote a song while living in New York called “NYC” and they heard the demo and we got in the studio together. They’re amazing guys and looking back I was lucky my first writing session with an artist was super drama free. 

  • Congratulations on co-writing Halsey’s #1 ‘Without Me’!! After years of writing and collaborating for other artists, were you nervous to release your own music? Or was it exhilarating and refreshing to be able to step into the spotlight and share your own music? 

It’s both exhilarating and terrifying. I wrote “Black Coffee" for me and I love it which makes it easier but you’re always scared to bare your soul and feel exposed to releasing such personal music. Especially since I had alway made a name for myself in the industry, it almost feels like extra pressure which I didn’t allow myself to feel while making the record or I would’ve frozen up.

  •  Many of your fans have suggested potential collaborations such as Lana Del Rey. If you could collaborate with any artist who would you choose and why?

I have a long list of amazing artists I look up to that I’d love to collab with. I have to say I’d die if I got to collaborate with Stevie Nicks though.

  • You have already achieved a lot in your career. What are your goals as an artist?

I like to take it one day at a time but I have a lot of things I still want to accomplish. Playing a lot of shows is at the top of my list right now!

  • What has been the highlight of your career so far?

That’s a tough one. Probably meeting fans who relate to my music. Sounds corny but the fact that I can do for others what some musicians did for me growing up, discovering new music is insanely cool. 

Check out Delcaey’s debut LP now!

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