The Importance of Being Your Crazy Self: In talks with R&B artist RUDI

Photography: Miguel Flores / miguelfloresphotography

Styling: Haili Pue / allzedetails

Makeup: Cynthia Hernandez / hmmcynthia

Words: Kay Knofi / kayknofi

RUDI French French Fries Magazine

RUDI  / itsjustrudi is quickly becoming America’s sweetheart. The singer rose to fame in April when she starred in ABC’s The Bachelor Presents: Listen To Your Heart, the dating show with a musical twist. With her gorgeous singing voice and genuineness, the 24 year old Texan native instantly won the hearts of the viewers. Since the show, RUDI has released 3 singles and plans to release more music soon. It’s not surprising that thousands of people think she’s got a star like quality, seeing as she’s already performed in front of 20,000 people at Lollapalooza. We may have fallen in love with singer RUDI's quirky personality in Listen To Your Heart, but we’re staying for her beautiful singing voice and strong message. In this interview with the oh-so talented and bubbly RUDI, we discussed the importance of being your crazy self, feeling empowered as a woman and what’s next for her. More of RUDI’s music on .

RUDI French French Fries Magazine
RUDI French French Fries Magazine

How do you think starring in ABC’s The Bachelor Presents: Listen To Your Heart impacted your music career?

I think it’s mainly just given me a larger platform to be able to share my music with people. I’m so grateful!

Why do you think you were one of the most relatable and well-liked contestants on The Bachelor Presents: Listen To Your Heart?

I think it was because I was myself. I went on the show just knowing that I was going to be 100% real whether that was a little crazy or sad or whatever that was. My main thing was, I didn’t want to watch the show back and feel like I hadn’t been myself, so I think people just related to me being a regular human.

Because of The Bachelor Presents: Listen To Your Heart?, people feel quite close to you. Is it overwhelming to have so many followers online treat you like a close friend?

No, it is not overwhelming at all I think it is the best part of what I get to do. I just talk to these people that are so supportive and I really don't have time for a lot of friends, so they keep my company.

Do you want to separate yourself as a tv contestant from you as a musician, or are they one and the same?

I think they are the same really. I am who I am on TV, which is a musician, but also a crazy person that everyone got to see on TV lol.

RUDI French French Fries Magazine
RUDI French French Fries Magazine

You’re originally from San Antonio, Texas, but now live in L.A. Do you think there’s a difference in the music scenes of Texas and California?

Yes, there is definitely a lot more opportunity in LA for anything in the entertainment industry, really. I wouldn't be living in LA if I didn't need to, but the amount of connections out here and the people you can work with is insane compared to San Antonio where I'm from. In Texas there are some good opportunities, but it’s nothing compared to what you’ll get in LA.

What were your musical influences growing up?

I loved old jazz like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Nat King Cole growing up as a younger kid, and then I got into more modern people the older I got, ya know. When I was 9, I loved Christina Aguilera, she was probably my biggest influence vocally and musically growing up. I was obsessed with her.

Who are your main influences now?

I love Bruno Mars, because he is such a wonderful performer and he can sing his ass off, he’s just all around amazing. Russ, I love him because he brings an urban feel to pop that is really cool. 

What was it like to play to a crowd of 20,000 at Lollapalooza?

Amazing. It was the most unbelievable feeling ever. I remember just waiting to go on stage and the energy of the crowd was like nothing else I had never felt in my entire life. It was the most incredible feeling ever. I will definitely never forget that.

On your Instagram bio, you cite Isaiah 41:10. Why is this Bible verse important to you?

It’s important to me because it reminds me that God is always going to be there by my side and stop worrying. I’m an anxious person, so seeing that every day, since I’m on Instagram 24/7, I get to see that as a little reminder that he is going to strengthen me and hold me up with his righteous right hand.  It gives me that strength and courage to keep pushing through whatever I’m going through. It’s just as a reminder to not worry about things and lean on him when I’m in times of stress or whatever that is.

RUDI French French Fries Magazine

Your debut single “Smile” is a touching dedication to your grandma, while “Stupid Boy” is about being strong on your own, without a man. Is female empowerment a prevalent theme in your music?

100%. I’m all about women empowerment. My mom is one of the strongest humans I have ever known and I look up to her so much, and she taught me to be a strong woman. I want people to know that it's okay to be a strong woman, that's who I am and what I want to put out in my music. I want people to hear and listen to and relate to that and be like hell yeah, I want to be the badass woman I am.

What else inspires your music?

I find inspiration in really everything, which is good because recently I haven't been able to go out during quarantine. Taking walks or seeing the colors of the trees or seeing a rock on the side of the road, just the little things, I just like to find inspiration in literally everything. That and books, movies, I love watching movies. I watched a movie called the Big Sick last night and it tore my heart apart to pieces and I was like, I need to write a song. So literally everything.

How do you want people, especially young girls, to feel when they hear your music?

I mean it’s different with every song, I like to write about everything that's going on in my life so whatever song they listen to, I just want them to know that they are not alone in what they're going through. They will get through what they're going through. If they're feeling lost, I'm lost too. If I’m writing a song about being strong and letting a guy go, like Stupid Boy, I hope that they’re pumped up and ready to let go of their Stupid Boy too. I just try to write exactly how I’m feeling and it can help other people get through whatever situation they’re going through also.

Did lockdown alter your music plans for Summer? Are you planning on doing some shows any time soon?

It definitely altered my plans, but I think it’s same with every musician in the whole entire world. I was planning on doing a bunch of shows after Listen to Your Heart and unfortunately all of those got cancelled. I don't know when the world is going to open back up but hopefully when it does I’ll be doing shows. That’s my favorite part of my job is performing. It has definitely been crappy not being able to do that, but it has given me more time to write more music and have more material to put out once this is all over with.

What’s next for you?

More music! Hopefully some music videos to go along with these singles also. Just writing and putting out songs that are even better than the last.

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