Matthew Keoni Sato

Interview: Claudia Brizzi / claude______

Photography: Storm Santos / stormshoots

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CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Being a very young actor, every set is an opportunity to learn. What is "Doogie Kameāloha M.D" teaching you and what has fascinated you the most? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Doogie Kamealoha, MD was my first series regular so I experienced a lot of firsts. The opportunity to see a series come together from start to finish was so valuable. All the scenes, although not shot in order of the script, eventually fit together like a puzzle and tell a complete story. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - In this TV series, you play the older brother of the main character. How did you prepare for this role, since in your real life you are the younger brother? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - I am not an only child so I was always subject to interactions with my three older brothers.  Sometimes older siblings can be jerks, but in the end, they always have your back. I was able to connect Kai's character to my older brothers' interactions with me throughout my life. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - How did you feel when you found out that you were going to act in a TV series set in Hawaii, your home country? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - I couldn't wait to get back to my home state to see my family and friends and work on this dream project. Due to covid I was restricted from bringing family/friends on set. It would have been fun to show my parents around and introduce them to my castmates. Hopefully next season, I'll be able to do so. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Speaking of Hawaii, how did you feel when you had to leave Hawaii and move to a chaotic city like Los Angeles? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - I was excited. I would say most kids my age that have grown up in Hawaii choose to go to college on the mainland(contiguous United States) for the experience of seeing and experiencing life in a city far from home.

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Do you think that living in Hawaii has influenced your career in some way? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Yes, I feel like growing up in Hawaii opened the door for me to book the role of Kai in 'Doogie". I play a local boy who is part Hawaiian like myself. My dad is Japanese/Hawaiian and my mother is Caucasian. Being born and raised in Hawaii and having parents of mixed race like Kai, has allowed me to be authentic in this role. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - In an interview you said that your mother is a great supporter of yours: what is your relationship with your family like? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Yes, family is everything to me. Both of my parents have always supported me completely once they realized this was something I really wanted to do. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Often in acting there are life-changing encounters. Was there a particular encounter that you will never forget? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Yes, my first network acting job on Hawaii 5-0 convinced me that I wanted to be an actor. Being on set interacting with accomplished actors and  a professional film crew inspired me to want to do this for life.

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CLAUDIA BRIZZI - You are a young and multifaceted artist, that's why many young people consider you a reference point and as a consequence you have become a real influencer, how does this make you feel?

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - There is a lot of pressure to keep up, but I try to do what I think is right, while not taking it too seriously. I do appreciate all the support I have received from my followers while I have been on this journey. They are the best!

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Do you ever miss an aspect of your life that you had before you became a public figure? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - No, life doesn't change as much as you'd think it would being an actor. 

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - How do you reconcile your passion for singing and acting? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Acting is my main passion. Music can sit on the back burner for now. I love watching my friends create music and that is enough to satisfy my passion for music for now.

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - If you had to choose, would you prefer to be called an actor or a musician? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - I feel like music was something fun for me that filled the void while I waited to book acting roles. Acting will always be my main passion.  I have friends that are musicians. I love hanging out with them while they are creating their music. However it is very hard to do both (be a musician and actor). Music, like acting, requires commitment and dedication. It's hard to do both, so for me I am an actor.

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - How would you describe your musical genre? What is the song you are most proud of? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - I'd say my sound or musical genre is chill-pop music. My favorite song of all my music is "Simple" from my Better Days album.

CLAUDIA BRIZZI - What is the secret to success?  


CLAUDIA BRIZZI - Despite your young age, are you satisfied with your artistic career so far? 

MATTHEW KEONI SATO - Yes, but like with everything, there is always room for growth.

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FF Magazine