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French Fries #3 The Human DNA issue: Interview with Kailand Morris

Total Look: Dior

Interview: Lupe Baeyens

Photography and Direction: Dennis Leupold 

Styling: Oretta Corbelli 

Grooming: Vernon Francois

DP: Levin Leupold
Management: Shawn Mann

Producer: Savvie  


Fashion as a staple in the household with his mother Kai Milla-Morris and soul music permeating through the four walls of his home played by his father Stevie Wonder. Kailand Morris’ upbringing conjured spaces of creativity to toy with and influences to look up to. No wonder his penchant for fashion propelled him to intern with Kim Jones and for music encouraged him to learn to play the drums and to DJ. Setting up his fashion label House of KOM, Kailand Morris brings his creative flair over, sourced from a variety of cultures across the globe and from his fountain of ideas as he keeps his gates of innovation open. As he sits down for an interview with French Fries, he journeys to his childhood, the creation of his fashion label, the collaborations he has had and the surprises he has in store in 2021.

Total Look: Dior

Let’s start by talking about your most recent fashion-escapade that has been tantalising the industry since the end of 2020, the launch and your involvement in Dior’s latest Modern Tailoring capsule collection. How was the experience going from behind-the-scenes to being the face behind the new collection?

The feeling is pretty self explanatory: it felt amazing! A very proud moment for myself and the team to have grown and accomplished this.

Yet this wasn’t the first time you worked with fashion mogul Kim Jones, you undertook an internship under his supervision in 2019, what was a highlight during your time here and your biggest takeaway from the experience?

Interning with Kim Jones was, and still is, such a big learning experience for me. Being able to be around Kim Jones while working at Dior men’s is more or less like watching a professional chef cook in the kitchen. Kim’s flow in my eyes is so fluid when it comes to him articulating his ideas or transferring them from his head to a garment. Everyday I’m with Kim there’s a new takeaway, new perspective, or new lesson lesson learned. I would say as of right now the biggest lesson I’ve learned from being around him and the Dior men’s team is to always keep an open mind and be inspired.

What was it like being raised by both an influential designer and living music legend Stevie Wonder?

It’s amazing! Being raised by both my mother and father is a blessing in all. To me the majority of it comes from my mom and dad, but the other proportion still takes into account what their professions are and how impactful and influential they are in other people's lives around the world.

Total Look: Lanvin

With a mother like Kai Milla Morris, has fashion been something you have been immersed in from a very young age? How did this shape your interests in the industry?

I’ve been surrounded by fashion since I was little. At the time of attending shows and going to my mom’s fashion shows during fashion week was a fun experience. Since I was young then, I did not know much of what was going on besides the fact that there were so many beautiful female models all over the place. I would say my true interest in the industry sparked more or less from how I dressed and styled myself. Through that my passion to create clothing, that I could see myself in and other people around the world, grew.

From raising money and donating all the proceeds of the capsule collection to Black Lives Matter, to collaborating with ICEBERG on a limited edition T-shirt supporting the Watts Empowerment Center charity organisation, has philanthropy always been something you wanted to engage yourself with?

Absolutely! With having such well-minded parents growing up, they involved me in projects they were doing on giving back. Giving back has and will forever be essential to myself as helping people in need is so crucial. 

Earlier this year, we were treated to a teaser video of the capsule collection you have done in collaboration with the Italian brand Iceberg. Why made you decide to collaborate again and what was the inspiration behind the psychedelic drawings you created?

One reason to collaborate again is through the conversation with my team, Kai and Shawn, where we all felt it would be a great idea to work with a cool brand that has so much history behind it. Then, why not have Iceberg and myself be the first project presented to the world with me being a designer? Regarding the artwork, I collaborated with this amazing artist by the name of Vxmee. Even though Vxmee has great work, I also found it necessary to work with a younger Black artist with such a cool vision and so much potential to grow.

In 2020, you set up your own fashion label under the name House of Kom. We have seen two highly anticipated T-shirt releases. What more can we expect from House of KOM?

Expect everything and more out of your wildest imagination for House of KOM for it acts as and truly is a housing for me to articulate all of my creative ideas.

Our third issue focuses on Human DNA, we can draw the comparison to your Instagram-page: nothing short of a style magazine. where do you get your style and inspiration from, and how do you think it builds up our human DNA?

I get lots of my inspiration from many different cultures throughout the world. I tend to always stay open minded with where my source of inspiration can come from, so it can range from a person to a building I see while walking on the side of the street.

In addition to what can only be a stellar career in fashion, you also have a knack for drumming and taught yourself how to DJ. Is this some of the influence from your upbringing and something you would wish to pursue or even combine with fashion?

I would say music and fashion have and will forever always work hand in hand. Drumming was the first instrument I learned how to play, which my dad actually taught me. Whatever form of music it is, instruments, djing, etc., it will always be a passion of mine and as a collaborator, I will always use it in my projects.