Fake and Deep Fake

Fake and Deep Fake is a visually flamboyant editorial, in which reality is confused with the imagination and vice versa, making it dicult to identify what is true and what is deeply fake. The protagonist, the model Walther, is laying down on a fictitious planet earth, dressed in psychedelic suits enriched by patterns, inspired by the universe, galaxies and constellations, designed by meticulous work of the designer Lior Schwartzman.

The model has wide spots on his face, which do not diminish his beauty, but on the contrary they enhance it. Noone could be pretty sure if they are real or an accurate work of special eects and make-up, but this needs to spread the idea that beauty is universal and everyone is special in their own way, with their own imperfections, which must not be hidden, but it must always be promoted.

The photographer Rona Bar takes care of capturing every aspect of this inclusive and universal beauty, granting each photo an infinite value without space and time.

Photography: Rona Bar / ronabarphotos
Ofek Avshalom / ofekavshalom

Model: Walther / waltherssilence
@ Lumpen Agency

Fashion designer: Lior Schwartzman / liorschwartzman

Words: Arianna Chirico / arya_ayra

FF Magazine