All the time that came before this moment

Time is an integral part of our beings. The moments we create and experience shape every inch of us. However what is time? Why do we deem it so important. How can we experience so much all for one tiny moment in time.

Photography by Gabriele Cialdella and styling by Andrea Sangiorgi we feel every moment and expression of model Omar aka JesuisOmzo. We are given glimpses of their emotions and their movements all in one short snap. We don’t see what caused that laughter or that action, but just the result. The many moments leading up to that one frame is irrelevant, we didn’t see it, we didn’t feel it. All we have is that one still image with a minimal amount of experience behind it. So if time is all about moments, why do we fear it so much. Where is the embrace? If we continue with our fear of time or the future then our lives will become nothing more than a stand still image. We have one life in the body we are in now, one time round so it must be embraced. Immerse yourself completely into in, leave the fear behind and live every moment as if it could be your last. For all the time before that moment should be honoured as much as the moment is.

Photography: Gabriele Cialdella / thecialdella

Styling: Andrea Sangiorgi / andrea_sangiorgi

Model: Omar aka JesuisOmzo / jesuisomzo

Words: Georgia Gaucas / georgia.gaucaspullan

all clothes by Dsquared2

all clothes by Dsquared2

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FF Magazine