“He played me an early version of HER. I was blown away”, Jordan McGraw on his new song, solo career and experience of being a father

Interview Olga Burak / lala__burak

Photography Matthias Clamer / matthiasclamer


This year is truly a new period for a musician Jordan McGraw. He released his new successful single HER, started a solo career, and became a father of a lovely girl Row. It would be unfair to say, that by choosing a path in entertainment Jordan didn’t know what he was signing for. Being a son of a famous psychologist, his family fully experienced together all the pro and cons of fame. But you don’t choose your calling, if you find it – you have to follow it! This was a case of McGraw junior – when he first tried to play a guitar, he couldn’t resist it anymore. Every step of his way – experience in music bands, performing with as a musician, being an opening artist, lead him to find his own unique manner and voice. French Fries Magazine had an opportunity to speak with Jordan about his family, career, friendship with Jonas Brothers and romantic love story. 


A few weeks ago you presented a new single HER, which is absolutely adorable! Tell us, how did you create this song? Who inspired you? 

Towards the end of the Happiness Begins Tour with the Jonas Brothers, I was playing some of my new music for Joe and he told me he had a song that he and Nick had been working on that would fit perfectly. He played me an early version of HER. I was blown away. They let me take it into the studio and make it my own and the rest is history. 

How did you realize your interest in music? And when did you decide to become a professional musician?

I moved to Los Angeles in the middle of simmer before my sophomore year of high school. Being in a new city, I obviously had nothing but free time. I asked my dad to take me to Guitar Center, bought the Tom Delonge Strat, locked myself in my room and started learning every Blink, Green Day and Nirvana song I could. I was hooked right then and there. Once I eventually played my first show there was no going back.

During your career you were playing in different music bands. Now you are a solo artist. Do you feel certain difference between these two periods in your life and which one you prefer more? 

Being in a band is like being in 4 relationships at once! It’s a rollercoaster… Plenty of ups and downs… for me, the downs began to outnumber the ups. Deciding to do this solo really added a pressure that I thrive on. My name is up there now so everything is on me. Accountability is a strong motivator to work even harder. I love it. Plus, the band I have around me is made up of absolute best group of musicians I could want to share the stage with. I kind of get the best of both worlds.

It looks like Jonas Brothers made a big impact on your career – you were an opening artist in their tour and they took part in recording your new song HER. How did you meet them? Do you take part in recording their new songs? 

The brothers and I have quickly become family. We met over a love of baseball and music, and… tequila. As friends, you couldn’t ask for a better group of guys to get advice from, to write with, to vent to. On top of that, as musicians, they have been so generous with their stage and platform… I couldn’t begin to explain my appreciation for that. We bounce song ideas off to each other and play each other demos all the time. You never know where someone might pop up on a song. 

You come from a quite famous family. How was it growing with a father, who is a celebrity host and psychologist Dr. Phil? In what way did it affect your life and the choice of your career path? 

To me, my dad is my dad, not Dr. Phil. I’d been lying if I said I don’t notice the celebrity at all but it’s always been kind of funny to all of us. My dad didn’t become famous until I was a teenager so we all got to take that crazy ride together. He loves what he does, though… it’s hard work but he loves it. I’ve always taken that part of his experience to heart. The harder you work. The longer you get to do what you love. 

Who influenced your music taste the most? Can you name a couple of artists who you think are today’s voice of generation? 

My favorites are a combination of artists like Green Day, Blink-182, Phil Collins and Tina Turner, Anything that picks you up and gets you moving. As far as today’s big voices… I think Post Malone and The Weeknd both do something so uniquely them, that they can’t and shouldn’t be ignored. Their influence on their peers and the upcoming generation of artists are undeniable. I love what they do. 


Is there an artist with who you would like to collaborate, as a songwriter, producer or record a song together as a singer?

Stomae is at the absolute top of my list of artists I’d want to collaborate with. In any capacity! I think he’s an absolute mastermind. 

What is the biggest inspiration for your music today?

A good time. I just enjoy making music that makes you feel good. If you can listen to my music and escape for 2-3 minutes then I’m happy. 

Last year you married your now-wife Morgan Stewart. How did you decide to take a risk and celebrate your wedding during the pandemic year? 

I did! I’m a lucky man. We had a very small, 10 people, family only ceremony at my parents house in LA. We were so excited we just couldn’t wait. We’ll eventually throw a huge party to celebrate of course… when it’s safe. 

Turns out, you and Morgan were dating a decade before, but broke up after a year of relationships. At what point you decided to give a second chance to your story? Do you believe that a true love will always find its way? 

As corny as it may sounds, the universe just brought us back together. We wound up at the same place in our lives at the same time, and the reconnection was immediate. Our first date this time around I saw her het out of the car… it was in slow motion and I knew right then… she’s it! Always was!

Just a few months ago you became a father. How did your life change with a new status? Did your priorities felt some replacements? 

Being a father is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. With both Morgan and me, the priorities are making this girl happy and we have so much fun sharing this responsibility. I know I’m blessed but… Row is the most beautiful, smartest, coolest baby in the history of babies!

As we mentioned before, your father is a psychologist. Did you learn some tricks from him that helped you to understand people and their feelings better? 

I het my judge of character from my mum. She’s a superwomen and her super power is that gut instinct when she meets someone. She’s taught me her ways!

Are there any upcoming plans for the nearest future, which you would like to tell us about? 

Music, music, and again music! I’m really excited to finally be able to get these new songs out. And SHOWS! As soon as it’s safe to play live there’s no stopping me. 

FF Magazine